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Congregational Position and Activities: Jewish-Muslim Dialogue

Board approved this policy in Havurah supports efforts to facilitate dialogue and action with other faith communities. The Hill HavurahThe Hill June, 2017.



Although Muslims and Jews come from different lands and cultures, and often have sharp political differences, they also share many similarities: from their respective histories as minority communities in the United States – and the discrimination and acculturation issues that both communities continue to face – to their deeply held values of love, truth, justice, and peace. It is through dialogue about both these differences and similarities that Jews and Muslims find connection and understanding, even about difficult and divisive issues.


The Tzedek Committee would like to strengthen Jewish-Muslim dialogue and understanding in our community. To this end, we would like to partner with Masjid Mohammad, a local mosque that is also interested in interfaith dialogue and that has previously held events with Hill Havurah. The Tzedek Committee will continue to work with Masjid Mohammad to plan events and activities, and we welcome input from the Hill Havurah community regarding upcoming programs.


Other Resources

The Jewish Islamic Dialogue Society, or JIDS, is a local organization that hosts events and offers information on this issue. While the Tzedek Committee would like to co-host events with JIDS in the future, no concrete plans have been made yet. Hill Havurah has partnered with the Islamic Society of the Washington Area in the past, and will actively look for ways to be involved with this organization again.


Points of Contact

To support activities related to issue Jewish-Muslim dialogue and special events through the Tzedek committee, contact Sarah Erdreich.

Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785