9th Annual Capitol Hill BID Community Menorah Lighting & Hill Havurah Hanukkah Celebration (outdoors)
Monday, December 19, 2022 • 25 Kislev 5783
5:30 PM - 7:00 PMPlease join us for a multi-faceted Hanukkah celebration, brought to you by the Capitol Hill BID and Hill Havurah, outdoors in front of Reformation (212 East Capitol Street, NE). Included will be a hot beverage, latkes, and jelly doughnuts served by the BID's "Men in Blue," songs from a variety of groups and individuals, the lighting of the BID's 9-foot electric menorah and, back again this year by popular demand, a special fire dancing performance by Kinetic Spinners.
Also, we invite you to bring your own menorah to light on a large table outside (we'll provide the candles and matches). And parents of younger children, Rabbi Hannah hopes to have lots of kids help her with "Sevivon, Sov, Sov, Sov" and dance like dreidels.
For those of you not joining us in person, this event will be livestreamed; in order to view the livestream, just go to the Hill Havurah YouTube page from any smartphone or computer. If you experience technical difficulties with the livestream, switching browsers can sometimes help.
If you'd like to join us for the big celebration, please register here in advance.
Please note: The rain date will be Wednesday, December 21st, same time, same place.
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