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High Holidays 2024/5785

This page will be regularly updated leading up to and throughout the High Holidays.
Below you will find the following sections:
  • Information About High Holiday Services (including registration)
  • Options for Kids, including Our New Family Services
  • How to Access Our Live(streamed) Services & Digital Machzor
  • Security
  • Tashlich
  • Hill Havurah Book of Remembrance/Yizkor Memorial Book
2024 High Holiday Schedule
Wednesday, October 2nd
at 6:00 PM

sermon by Student Rabbi Merissa between the Amidah & Avinu Malkeinu

Thursday, October 3rd
at 9:30 AM
sermon by Rabbi Hannah after the Torah reading
at 11:00 AM
at 5:30 PM 
[See information down below.]
Friday, October 11th
at 7:00 PM 

sermon by Rabbi Hannah between Avinu Malkeinu & Aleinu

Saturday, October 12th
at 9:30 AM
sermon by Hill Havurah member Krystal Seabron after the Torah reading
at 11:00 AM
at 12:45 PM
or 15 minutes after the end of the morning service (whichever is later)
at 5:30 PM 
at 6:00 PM 
sermon by Student Rabbi Merissa near the beginning of Ne'ilah
followed by Break-Fast (for which you can RSVP when you register for the service)
A note about registration requirements: Registration is required to attend all of our in-person services, which will take place as always at Reformation, 212 East Capitol Street (see information below). All of our main High Holiday services will be livestreamed (see information down below); registration is not required for the livestreams.


Information About High Holiday Services
(including registration)
All of our main High Holidays services will once again be held in the Sanctuary at Reformation (212 East Capitol St., NE). Our Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Family Services will be held downstairs in Reformation's Parish Hall.
Registration is required for in-person attendance at all of our High Holiday services. Registration is now open to Hill Havurah members and, if there is room, will open to non-members on Sunday, September 1st.
Once any service reaches capacity, we will create a waitlist.
We encourage all members who plan to attend services to register as soon as possible.
We encourage all who are not already members to consider becoming members of Hill Havurah; you can find information about membership here.
Click here if you want to register for any of our in-person High Holiday services.
Please note: Information about the livestreaming of our main services can be found down below.


Options for Kids, including Our New Family Services
This year we are excited to be introducing special family services on the mornings of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, from 11:00-12:00 downstairs in the Parish Hall at Reformation (212 E. Capitol St., NE). These shorter, child-focused services, are designed for children ages 6-11 and their adult(s). You can register for these services here.
We welcome kids of all ages at our main services, and the Shalom Room downstairs and the playground outside will be open for those who need a break.
On the Saturday morning before Rosh Hashanah (9/28), families with young children are invited to attend our Pre-Rosh Hashanah Pop-up in the Park.
On the Saturday morning of Yom Kippur, we will offer our members the convenience of onsite babysitting (for a fee) for children ages 6 months to 5 years; for more information about Yom Kippur babysitting, click here.
We also recognize that some kids may need a buddy to help them manage -- and that their parent(s) may be too focused on services to take on that role. To that end, we are encouraging babysitters in our community to sign up to serve as High Holibuddies (babysitters who can hang with kids in services and go out for breaks with them too), to be hired privately by families. You can find a spreadsheet of available Holibuddies here.
And, of course, we welcome kids of all ages at our Rosh Hashanah evening Tashlich service along the Anacostia River and our Yom Kippur Break-Fast in Reformation's Parish Hall. (See information down below.)


How To Access Our Live(streamed) Services & Digital Machzor
In order to view our livestreamed services, just go to the Hill Havurah YouTube page from any computer or smartphone. Registration is NOT required to view our livestreams. Our main services in the Sanctuary will be livestreamed; our family services in the Parish Hall will not be.
Once you get to our YouTube page, you will see the top video with a "LIVE" icon (during the service, and a few minutes beforehand); just click on that to watch.
An online version of the Hill Havurah Machzor is available here
If you'd like to borrow a hard copy of the Hill Havurah Machzor, you can pick up one (or however many you need) in front of Reformation (212 East Capitol Street, NE) on Wednesday, October 2nd, between 4:00 and 5:00 pm. If you plan to do so, please email Executive Director Alan Shusterman at by Monday, September 30th, at 5:00 pm.
If you have any questions, please email Executive Director Alan Shusterman at Thanks.


We continue to be committed to your safety when you attend Hill Havurah services and other events, and again this year we will institute enhanced security and safety measures for the High Holidays.
Please be advised that no large bags or backpacks will be permitted inside the building. Only small purses, small bags for personal items or medical supplies, and tallis bags will be permitted, as well as diaper bags for small children. Please only bring what is absolutely necessary as additional inspection may be required.
We encourage attendees to conduct brief safety and security training by viewing "Run, Hide, Fight," and "The Power of Hello."


Tashlich -- Thursday, October 3rd, 5:30 pm
We'll gather again this year on the Kayak Dock in Yards Park (along the Anacostia River) for tashlich, at 5:30 pm on Thursday, October 3rd. With tashlich, we'll reflect on the pieces of the past year that we want to move forward from.
In an effort to preserve the ecosystem of the Anacostia, we’ll be using dissolvable paper with messages written on it. So, there's no need for you to bring breadcrumbs. (Unless you really want to, which would be fine.)
The Kayak Dock (not to be confused with other docks where you may see kayaks) is along the Riverwalk close to the 4th street entrance to Yards Park. It's a short walk from The Yards LOT Q, just east of The Yards Marina and just west of the Navy Yard gates.
If you'd like to join us for Tashlich, please register here in advance.
If you have any questions, please email Executive Director Alan Shusterman at Thanks!


Hill Havurah Book of Remembrance 5785 (2024-25) Yizkor Memorial Book
Hill Havurah’s Book of Remembrance, Yizkor (Memorial) Book, will be distributed at our October 12th Yizkor service on Yom Kippur day (or in advance if you cannot attend). The book will contain the names of those family members, friends, and colleagues whom you wish to be remembered.
The Yizkor service is an important element of the High Holy Days. The word yizkor means “remember,” and this service is an opportunity to honor the memory of those close to us who have passed away – parents, grandparents, siblings, spouses and children; other relatives, friends and colleagues; and victims of war and terror.
In the traditional liturgy that we read during the Yizkor service, we do not simply remember those we have lost. We also pledge tzedakah on their behalf, requesting that the credit for our good works be counted towards their merits. This pledge presents a special opportunity to support Hill Havurah in their names.
To ensure that the names of those you wish to remember are included in the Book of Remembrance, please submit your information no later than Tuesday, August 20th. 
A form for your use and instructions for payment are available at this link. When you complete the form, there will be an opportunity to indicate that you would like to repeat the same names as they appeared in last year's Book of Remembrance. We request a donation of $18 per name.
A sample listing is below (taken from previous Books as published):
Remembered by David and Marcia Hoexter and family
Joe Reidinger; beloved Husband, Father, Grandfather, and Great-Grandfather
Betty Berry Reidinger; beloved Wife, Mother, Grandmother, and Great-Grandmother
Natalie Diane Nussbaum Hoexter; beloved Wife and Mother
Louis Hoexter; beloved Husband, Father, and Grandfather



Sat, March 29 2025 29 Adar 5785