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A havurah, by its very definition, is a community. Its root is the Hebrew word “haver,” meaning friend.


This is what makes Hill Havurah unique. We are, first and foremost, a community: a community of faith, of learning, of caring and, yes, of friendship.

"It is not one person's is everybody's congregation." -- Sig Cohen, Hill Havurah co-founder.

Started by a handful of Jewish “pioneers” on Capitol Hill, we have evolved over the years into a fellowship that is rich in diversity and known for its inclusiveness. Who are we? We are Jews and those who love them….single threads woven together into a colorful tapestry of people of all ages, genders, races, sexual orientations, and financial means. 


Hill Havurah has “haverim” who were raised in traditional homes….and others who had little or no religious education. As an independent congregation -- unaffiliated with any of the major denominations of modern Judaism -- we seek common ground to provide a rich Jewish experience for all.

"We are a community enriched by our diversity. That is what a real community is. You don't have to be an expert in Judaism to engage....or you don't have to be in a particular category of religious practice to are just allowed to engage, which I think is great." -- Joe Hurowitz, Hill Havurah member.

"My feeling about the Havurah is the same as my feeling about the neighborhood ... this is home and it is welcoming and it is accepting and it is forgiving and it is nurturing." -- Laurie Solnik, Hill Havurah lay leader.

Below is information on membership dues, which cover our expenses for staff, rent, and programs. Members who can are encouraged to give more. Our standard dues amounts are not set to cover all of our expenses; we rely on donations for that. No one is ever turned away from Hill Havurah for lack of funds. 


You can check on the status of your current membership by clicking on "My Account" in the Membership menu at the top of the page.






Family $1,950 $390
Couple $1,550 $310
Senior Couple $1,475 $295
Single Parent $1,325 $265
Individual $800 $160
Senior Individual $750 $150
Couple Under 30 $300 $60
Individual Under 30 $200 $40

*Our fiscal year runs from August 1st through July 31st.

Financial Assistance: Hill Havurah is an inclusive, welcoming community, and we will work to make membership available to anyone regardless of ability to pay. To request a reduction to the standard dues amount, please contact 


Sat, March 29 2025 29 Adar 5785