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We welcome you to join us at  Hill Havurah as we bring warmth, tradition, and exploration to each of our prayer services.  Led by Rabbi Hannah Spiro in partnership with our lay leaders, we celebrate, reflect, and sing on Shabbat and major Jewish holidays.  The sight of little ones dancing, the sound of voices and guitar, and the feeling of coming together enhance the Hebrew liturgy and English reflections that ground us in our prayer and our observance.  We welcome davveners -- worshippers -- of all ages and backgrounds, including our non-Jewish members and loved ones.

Hill Havurah offers:

  • Monthly Kabbalat Shabbat services on third Friday evening of each month.
    7 pm @ Lutheran Church of the Reformation 
    212 East Capitol St NE, Washington, DC.
    Our informal, musical service is followed by a potluck veggie or dairy dinner featuring whatever dishes you bring. All are welcome.
  • Monthly Saturday morning Tot Shabbat Service on second Saturday of each month.
    10 am  @ Lutheran Church of the Reformation 212 East Capitol St NE, Washington, DC. 
    This is a rousing, happy-clappy tribute to Shabbat for the infant, toddler and preschool crowd and their families.  
  • Monthly Saturday morning Shacharit and Torah Service on first Saturday of each month.
    10 am @
    Lutheran Church of the Reformation 212 East Capitol St NE, Washington, DC.  
  • Services on major Jewish holidays, including the High Holidays. 

We are grateful to the many faith communities on Capitol Hill that allow us to hold our services, activities and education programs in their facilities.  Hill Havurah is a proud member of the Capitol Hill Group Ministry, which serves people in need in our area.  We are also a member congregation of the National Havurah Committee.



Sat, March 29 2025 29 Adar 5785